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《灵界经历》 第1534节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1534

1534. About the acknowledgment of the Lord in the heavens

In the heaven of spirits, good spirits feel as if the Lord is there, outside of them, so that faith in Him is poured around them. I have experienced this in several ways, and for quite long periods, in various ways. Once it was as if I was flooded about by the Lord Himself; later it happened differently, as if I am being held in my faith by an outside [force], and my mind is not released without being [kept] in a kind of aura of faith.

1534. 1/2. When there were spirits present who would cause me to waver and this kind of atmosphere consequently became somewhat weakened, then I had to fall back on general principles, especially those which need no demonstration, and also to those which obtain in our body: that the soul governs the body and its very diverse functions as a single unit, and that the will by itself commands a thousand muscles at a single moment.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1534


In the heaven of spirits the good spirits feel that the Lord is as if outside them, thus that faith in Him was diffused around them, as I have experienced in various ways, and indeed for a long time with variety. On a former occasion I was as if circumfused by the Lord Himself. Again, differently, I was as if held in faith from without, and my mind was not relaxed, for it was, as it were, in an aura of faith.

1534 1/2. When spirits were present who made me vacillate and this quasi atmosphere became somewhat weakened, I had then to fall back upon general principles and especially upon those things that are axiomatic; also upon the things which take place in our body, as that the soul governs the body and its many diverse functions as a one, and that the will alone governs a thousand muscles at the same time.

Experientiae Spirituales 1534 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1534. De agnitione Domini in coelis

In spirituum coelo boni spiritus sentiunt sicut extra se, quod Dominus sit, sic ut fides in Ipsum circumaffundatur, quod varie expertus sum, et quidem diu, cum varietate, quondam sicut circumfunderer Ipso Domino, porro aliter, sicut tenear in fide ab extrinsecus, et mens non relaxetur, quin 1

quasi in aura fidei sit.

1534a. Cumque spiritus adessent, qui me facerent vacillare, et tunc haec quasi atmosphaera paulum attenuata est, tunc aufugere debui ad principia, et quidem ad ea in axiomatibus, tum ad ea quae in corpore nostro, quod anima regat corpus et diversissimas ejus functiones, sicut unum, et quod voluntas sola imperet mille musculis simul.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

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