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《灵界经历》 第154节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

154.关于恶灵:他们能与信徒同卧、同食,正如以赛亚书(11:6, 7, 8, 9)所描述的。今天,活生生的经历再次向我证明,恶者,事实上魔鬼团伙当中最坏的,如何能出现并尽最大努力摧毁我的信仰。不过,他们即便拼尽全力,也毫无力量或能力。所以,我亲眼目睹他们能同卧,同食;事实上,他们也被喂食,因为那时他们甚至能听到信仰的要点。以赛亚书(11:6,7,8,9)中的话表示邪恶如何在人里面,然而却不能伤害他。因此,当人在弥赛亚神的手中时,他根本没有必要因所犯下的罪恶而感到害怕。在教会,以及天国也一样,无论今天还是当恶灵将要获知时的以后。不过,这些都是秘密,说出来的时候要谨慎。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 154

154. About evil spirits: they are able to lie down and feed together with believers, according to Is. 11:6, 7, 8, 9 1

Today again I was shown by actual experience how the evil, in fact, the worst ones of the devil's gang, could be present and make the greatest effort to destroy my beliefs. But even though they labored very intensely, [their attempts] were utterly devoid of any force or power. So they were shown to me actually lying down together and being fed. And they were fed, too, for then they even got to hear the points of faith [enumerated]. 1747, 19 August (old calendar).

In Isaiah 11:6, 7, 8, 9, 2it is expressed symbolically how evil things can be in us and yet not harm us - and thus that one need not be at all afraid on account of evils perpetrated when one is in the Hand of God the Messiah. The case is similar in the Church, and also in the Heavenly Kingdom today, and later, when evil spirits will learn - but these are secrets, to be told prudently.


1. The manuscript has verses 4, 5, 6, 7.

2. The original has verses 4, 5, 6, 7.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 154


Today it has also been demonstrated to me by living experience, how the evil, even the worst of the devil's crew, could be present and use the greatest diligence to destroy those things that are of faith; but although they labored to the utmost degree, they were without any force or power. Thus it was shown me to the life, that they can lie down together and feed together; indeed, they were fed together, for thus they heard those things that are of faith. 1747, Aug. 19 o.s. The words in Isaiah 11:4-7 signify how evils can be in man and yet not harm him; thus that when a man lives in the hand of God Messiah, he fears nothing perpetrated by the evil; similarly in the Church, and also in the heavenly kingdom, at this day and hereafter, when the evil spirits will learn. But these are arcane things which are to be set forth discreetly.

Experientiae Spirituales 154 (original Latin 1748-1764)

154. De malis spiritibus, quod recubare et compascere queant cum iis qui sunt fideles, secundum Es. XI: 4, 5, 6, 7,5,6,7

Hodie quoque mihi per vivam experientiam demonstratum est, quomodo mali imo pessimi turbae diaboli potuerint adesse, et summo studio uti, ut destruant ea quae sunt fidei, sed licet summopere laboraverint, usque sine omni vi et potentia, sic ut recubare simul et compasci, mihi vive ostensum sit, compascebantur etiam, nam sic ea etiam audiebant, quae erant fidei. 1747, 19 Aug. st. v. Significatur Es. XI: 4, 5, 6, 7,5,6,7, quomodo mala in homine possunt esse, et non tamen nocere ei, sic quod nihil tunc a malis patratis timeat homo, quum in Manu Dei Messiae vivit. Similiter in Ecclesia; tum etiam in Regno Coelesti, hodie, et postea, quum mali spiritus discent; sed haec arcana sunt, prudenter dicenda.

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