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《灵界经历》 第153节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 153

153. About the persistence of evil spirits in bringing evil upon people

From experience I have learned several times that spirits do not ever abstain from, but very obstinately persist in doing evil to people on earth, so that whenever the opportunity offers itself to them, they cling to someone for many days, and indeed continuously, without interruption and without stopping. This fact was proven to me lucidly several times. For they brought on pains in various parts of my body - now in the feet, so that I could hardly walk, now in the dorsal nerves so that I could hardly stand up, but fell over; likewise in parts of my head. They did this so unyieldingly, that the pain and other effects lasted for quite a while, and without interruption.

That these things were brought on by evil spirits, I was taught plainly enough by the ones who spoke with me: for alternately, the pains were allayed and worsened - and really suddenly. From the conversation with them, and from the changes etc., it became quite clear to me [where they came from]. To recount the experiences in detail would be too much.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 153


I have learned from experience at different times, that evil spirits in no wise desist from doing evil to man, but most pertinaciously persist, so that whenever the opportunity is afforded, they persist for many days, and indeed continually without ceasing. This was clearly shown me on several occasions by the fact that they brought pains to various parts of my body at times, in the feet so that I could scarcely walk, in the dorsal nerves, so that I could scarcely stand on my feet but stumbled, and likewise in parts of the head and this so pertinaciously that the pain and similar sufferings lasted continuously for quite a time. I have learned clearly from those who spoke with me that these pains were brought on by evil spirits; for during conversation with them the pains were eased and aggravated, and indeed suddenly with various changes, so this was sufficiently evident to me from the variation, etc. It would be tedious to relate the experiences.


1. For nos. 149-151, see after n, 205. For n. 152, see after n, 199. See also Special Preface, p. ix.

Experientiae Spirituales 153 (original Latin 1748-1764)

153. De pertinacia malorum spirituum afferendi hominibus malum

Ab experientia aliquoties didici, quod mali spiritus nequicquam desistant, sed pertinacissime inhaereant, ut faciant homini malum, adeo ut dum copia iis relinquitur, inhaerent per plures dies, et quidem continuo, nec desistunt, sicut mihi ostensum est liquido aliquoties, in eo quod dolores mihi inferrent variis corporis partibus, nunc pedibus, ut vix potuissem gradiri {a}, nervis dorsalibus, ut vix potuissem insistere plantis, quod labarim, similiter partibus capitis, tam pertinaciter, ut dolor et similia perdurarent satis diu et continuo, quae quod a malis spiritibus inferrentur, satis edoctus sum ab iis qui mecum loquuti sunt, nam dolores sedabantur et aggravabantur, et quidem subito, cum mutationibus variis; ex collocutione 1

cum iis, et ex variatione 2

, etc., satis id mihi constare potuit. Experientias prolixum foret enarrare.


1. The Manuscript has collucutione

2. The Manuscript has varietione

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