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《灵界经历》 第1540节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1540

1540. About their life on that planet, I have heard that they do live in societies, but not under governments. The societies are of such a nature that they sense at once from people's face, eyes, and speech, thus from outer characteristics, whether they are among their own companions. Then they acknowledge them and join with them. So when there are many all together, they know how to select those companions for themselves who harmonize in temperament and thought. They rarely go wrong, and are friends immediately. And they do not turn away from the rest, for there is no aversion, much less hatred, but a joining together by temperaments, in which process outer characteristics play a role.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1540

1540. As to the life of the inhabitants of that earth, I heard that they live in societies, but not under governments, the societies being such that they perceive immediately from the face, eyes, and speech, thus externally, whether they are among true associates, whom they thus recognize, and to whom they adjoin themselves, so as out of many to make one. In this manner they know how to choose such companions for themselves as are congenial in temper and thought, in which they are very rarely deceived; they become friends forthwith; yet they feel no aversion to others, as no such feeling as aversion or hatred exists among them, but conjunction according to states of mind, and by means of external things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1540 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1540. De vita eorum in tellure ista id audivi, quod quidem in societatibus sunt, sed non sub imperiis, sed societates sunt tales, quod percipiant illico ex facie, oculis et eorum loquela, sic externe, num inter socios suos sint, quos sic agnoscunt, et iis se adjungunt, sic ut dum plures sint una, tunc norunt eligere sibi eos, qui sibi conveniunt animis, et cogitatione, quod eos raro fallit, suntque illico amici, caeteros nec aversantur, nam nulla aversatio est, minus odium, sed est conjunctio secundum animos, et quidem mediantibus externis.

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