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《灵界经历》 第1545节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1545

1545. Their face also was visible to me. They did not want to show me their face, but later it did appear. Below the nose, the face is black, not bearded, but still black. The upper part is yellowish, similar to that of people on our earth who are not entirely white. The blackness, which spreads toward the region of the ears, takes the place of a beard, so it arises from a similar cause in nature, in respect to what that part of the face represents.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1545

1545. (Their faces were seen by me, though they were themselves unwilling to show them, but eventually the manifestation was made. The face, below the nose, is black, not bearded, and yet black; the upper part is yellowish, not unlike the hue of the men of our earth who are not wholly white. This blackness, which extends towards the region of the ears, is in the place of a beard, thus from a similar cause in nature, and of equivalent representative import, as far as that part is concerned.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1545 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1545. Facies eorum mihi quoque visa est, sed non volebant faciem suam mihi ostendere, sed postea apparuerunt 1

, facies infra nasum est nigra, non barbata, sed usque nigra, superior pars est flavescens, nostrae telluris hominibus qui non prorsus candidi sunt, similis. Nigredo quae se extendit versus auris regionem est loco barbae, ita ex simili causa in natura, et quoad repraesentationem istius partis.


1. The Manuscript has apparunt

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