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《灵界经历》 第1544节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1544

1544. Their societies are varied, which is obvious from the fact that everyone is able to associate with their own kind, so that throughout that planet they all make up a kind of common angelic society of the inward heaven, with its variety. But there is this difference, that they recognize the inner qualities of their companions by outward characteristics, and thus not in the same way as spirits and angels do, by the aura of mental images- which they do judge according to their own understanding, thus likewise by outer characteristics of a soul or spirit.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1544

1544. Their societies are various, which is evident from the fact that every member can be associated with his like, and thus through that earth is constituted, as it were, a common angelic society of heavenly interiors, with variety, and yet with discrimination, as they perceive the interiors of their associates by means of their exteriors; consequently not in the mode common to spirits and angels, to wit, through a sphere of ideas, for as they form a judgment according to their perception, so do souls and spirits from externals,

Experientiae Spirituales 1544 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1544. Societates eorum sunt variae, quod constare potest exinde, quod unusquisque suismet associari possit, sic per tellurem istam quasi societatem communem angelicam interioris coeli constituunt, cum varietate, sed cum discrimine, quod interiora sociorum per exteriora eorum agnoscant, et sic non eo modo quo spiritus et angeli per idearum sphaeram, quam 1

quidem judicant secundum suum 2

captum, sic quoque ab externis animae et spiritus.


1. The Manuscript has quae

2. The Manuscript has suam

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