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《灵界经历》 第156节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 156

156. About the Three classes of angels 1

Angels of the first class are to be called Heavenly; they are governed directly by God the Messiah through Love; they have a lofty Understanding of goodness, and of its truth. Angels of the second class are to be called truly Spiritual; they are governed by God the Messiah indirectly through heavenly angels. Angels of the third class are to be called feelings or Goodnesses; they are governed through heavenly angels, as well as spiritual ones, thus indirectly by God the Messiah; for their intelligence and wisdom is not of that quality that they can be governed directly. The rest are called Spirits, among whom there is immeasurably great diversity.

Angels ascend according to their perfection and are therefore to be called higher and lower; or if they are being introduced [into heaven], then they are to be called inward, very inward, and innermost. Now these are symbolized by Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham; and also by Egypt, Assyria, and Israel in Is. 19:25.


1. The first half of this paragraph and the entire previous paragraph is emphasized in the original by the word "Obs." written four times in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 156


Angels of the first class are to be called celestial; they are ruled immediately by God Messiah through love; they have a sublime understanding of good and thence of truth. Angels of the second class below are called the truly spiritual; they are ruled by God Messiah mediately through the celestial angels. Angels of the third class are to be called affections, or goodnesses; they are ruled by God Messiah through the celestial and also the spiritual angels, thus mediately, for they are not of such intelligence and wisdom that they can be actuated immediately by him. The rest, who are of an indefinite variety, are called spirits. Angels ascend according to their perfection, whence they are to be called higher and lower; or if they are being introduced (into heaven), they are then to be called interior, more interior, and inmost. They are accordingly signified by Jacob, Isaac and Abraham; also by Egypt, Assyria, and Israel. (Isaiah xix 25)

Experientiae Spirituales 156 (original Latin 1748-1764)

156. De Tribus classibus angelorum

Angeli primae classis, coelestes dicendi, qui immediate reguntur a Deo Messia per Amorem, quibus est Intellectus sublimis boni et inde veri. Angeli secundae classis, vere Spirituales dicendi, qui a Deo Messia mediate per coelestes angelos reguntur. Angeli tertiae classis, affectiones seu Bonitates dicendi, qui per angelos coelestes, tum spirituales, sic mediate a Deo Messia reguntur, nam non talis intelligentiae et sapientiae sunt, ut immediate queant regi 1

: caeteri vocantur Spiritus, qui indefinitae varietatis sunt. Angeli secundum perfectionem suam ascendunt, inde vocandi superiores et inferiores; sive insinuantur, inde dicendi, interiores, intimiores, ac intimi. Ii jam significantur per Jacobum, Isacum et Abrahamum: tum per Aegyptium, Assyrium et Israelem, Es. XIX: 25.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition agi

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