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《灵界经历》 第157节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 157

157. About the disturbance of my understanding due to the dissension of spirits

Sometimes spirits were granted the opportunity or freedom to disagree about some matter, to the point that one held a different opinion than the other. This very readily happens when there is a slight slackening [of bonds] and freeing [from constraints]. Then instantly, my mind becomes so confused that I understand almost nothing of what lies hidden in the more inward level of meaning [of the Word]. It is as if darkness comes over the understanding and blots out the light.

I have experienced this several times, with great indignation. For sometimes spirits reasoning together - who can be called "reasonings," but want to be hailed as angels of understanding - are given the opportunity to dispute among themselves. From this, a like turmoil arises among lower spirits that utterly confuses the mind and utterly deprives it of the light of truth.

This is a severe trial, when the mind is concentrated on the necessity of thinking - demanded by one's conscience, which I could not resist - and at the same time one seems to lose all patience, and one's mind is anguished by the fear of overlooking that obligation. 1747, 22 August (old calendar).

This takes place also for the reason that the spirits centered on understanding want to be distinguished from reasoning ones, thus to be called angels, when yet they also are spirits, and really the least intelligent when they are left to themselves. Therefore angels are spirits, and in fact, not good when left to themselves; but they are angels when they let themselves be governed by God the Messiah. About this fact I spoke with them today, but they were very indignant - and so, it was proven to them by an actual experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 157


When spirits are granted the opportunity or license to disagree about some particular matter, so that one feels differently about it from the other, which very easily happens through some slight relaxation and lack of restraint, the understanding is at once so confused that scarcely anything that lies concealed in the more interior sense is understood; there is, as it were, a darkness that overwhelms and extinguishes the light, as I have sometimes experienced with great indignation. For sometimes the opportunity of disputing amongst themselves is given to ratiocinating spirits, who may be called ratiocinators, but who wish to be saluted by the angels as intellectual; from this a similar disturbance arises also among the lower spirits, which altogether confuses the mind, and entirely takes away the light of truth. The temptation is great when the mind is at the time kept in the necessity of thinking - one's conscience, which I could not resist, demanding it - for then all patience is lost, as it were, and the mind then becomes distressed, fearing lest it should omit that which has been conjoined. 1747, Aug. 22 o.s. It is for this reason also that the intellectual wish to be distinguished from the ratiocinators, thus to be called angels, when yet they are also spirits, and indeed are not at all intellectual when left to themselves. Thus angels are spirits, and not even good, when left to themselves; but they are truly angels when they suffer themselves to be ruled by God Messiah. When I spoke with them about this today, they were very indignant, and therefore it was shown them by living experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 157 (original Latin 1748-1764)

157. De perturbatione intellectus a dissensione spirituum

Quando spiritibus concedebatur copia aut licentia de quadam re dissentiendi, sic ut unus sentiret aliud quam alter, quod facillime fit, per aliquantulam remissionem et licentiam, tunc illico confunditur ita intellectus, ut nihil fere intelligatur, quid latet in sensu intimiori; sunt quasi tenebrae quae obversantur, et lucem exstinguunt, quod aliquoties expertus sum, cum magna indignatione, datur enim quandoque copia spiritibus ratiocinantibus, qui ratiocinia possunt dici, sed pro intellectualibus angelis volunt se salutari, ut inter se disceptent, inde etiam inter inferiores spiritus similis turba oritur, quae prorsus confundit mentem, et ei lucem veritatis prorsus aufert: magna est tentatio, quum simul tunc teneatur mens in necessitate cogitandi, conscientia ejus id postulante, cui non resistere potui, tunc enim patientia omnis quasi perit, et simul angitur mens, timens ne intermittat id quod injunctum est. 1747, 22 Aug. st. v.

Hoc fit etiam propter eam causam, quia intellectuales distingui volunt a ratiocinantibus, ita angeli vocari, cum tamen ii quoque spiritus sint, et quidem minime intellectuales, quando sibi relinquuntur; sic angeli sunt spiritus, et quidem non boni, quando sibi relinquuntur, at vero sunt angeli cum a Deo Messia se regi patiuntur; de qua re cum iis hodie loquutus sum, sed indignati valde, quapropter id iis per experientiam vivam ostensum est.

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