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《灵界经历》 第1580节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1580

1580. When I asked who these people were, I was told that they are those who during life foretell things to come, and now I am told, those who are anxious about the morrow, and do not trust in the Lord's providence. These seem to themselves to live in such houses, and in fact, on the rooftops and in the dark quarters under the roofs (i morcka winden 1) under the roofs. And the house appears to be of wood, without windows. Instead of windows there are openings, and those who want to be of that character climb up the same way, that is, by intertwined or bundled threads, in spite of the risks. 1748, 20 March.


1. Swedish for "in the dark attic."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1580

1580. Upon my inquiring who these were [or whom they represented], it was said that they were those who in their life-time were prone to vaticinate concerning things to come, and again that those who are anxious for the morrow, and do not trust to the Lord's providence, seem to themselves to inhabit such houses, and indeed to dwell upon the roofs, and also in a dark story under the roofs [:mercka i winden:], 1while the house appears to be constructed of wood, and without windows. In the place of windows there are unclosed apertures, and those who would fain resemble the inmates scale the walls in the manner described, viz. by means of twisted threads or fascicles of such threads, and at the same time with much peril.


1. These are Swedish words, equivalent, according to Dr. Tafel, to a dark place in the ground, or possibly to an attic story under the roof.

Experientiae Spirituales 1580 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1580. Cum quaererem quinam ii essent, dicebatur quod sint ii, qui vaticinantur in vita de venturis, et nunc, quod ii qui solliciti sunt de crastino die, nec providentiae Domini fidunt, ii sibi videntur tales domos habitare, et quidem super tecta, et in mansione obscura sub tectis (i morcka winden {a}) et domus apparet lignea, absque fenestris, sunt loco fenestrarum, aperturae patentes, quique similes esse volunt, scandunt ita, nempe per colligata fila, seu fasciculos filorum, cum periculis. 1748, 20 Martius.

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