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《灵界经历》 第1579节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1579

1579. About those who foretell future events, and are anxious about things to come

In my sleep I saw a wooden house, having a roof but no windows, and on the third floor there were some people. When I was coming toward them by what seemed like a bridge, they did not want to let me in. Having been cast down, I tried to climb up, not by ropes, but by intertwined threads. Using the little spaces on the wall, I tried to raise myself up to arrive again at the third floor, taking the risk that I might fall. But I was not able to get up there.

Awakening, I heard that someone else was also climbing up, and it was repeatedly said that he is now entering, and in fact by an entrance under the roof. Those who lived there did not want to admit anyone; and they were said to live on the roof.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1579


While asleep there was presented to my view a wooden house with a roof but without windows, in the third story of which were certain persons who, when I would fain come to them bypassing over a bridge, refused to admit me. Whereupon, being cast down, I attempted to climb up, not by ropes, but by twisted threads, along certain small interstices in the wall, which I used for the purpose of lifting myself up that I might succeed in a second attempt to reach the third story, though the attempt was attended with danger of falling. I still was not able to ascend whither I wished. On awaking I heard that another also was desirous of mounting to the same loft, concerning whom it was repeatedly said, "Now he enters," to wit, by an entrance under the roof. Those who dwelt there were unwilling to admit any one, and they were moreover said to dwell upon the roofs.

Experientiae Spirituales 1579 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1579. De iis, qui vaticinantur futura, et solliciti sunt de futuris

In somno visa mihi est domus lignea, cum tecto, sed absque fenestris, inque tertia mansione erant quidam, qui, cum ad eos, per pontem quasi venirem, non me admittere volebant, quare dejectus ascendere conabar non per funes, sed per fila colligata, ad parva interstitia ad parietem, quibus usus me in altum elevare volui, ut venirem iterum in tertiam mansionem, idque cum periculis, ne delaberer, sed usque non potui illuc ascendere; evigilans audivi quod alius quoque scanderet, de quo dicebatur saepe, quod nunc intret, nempe per introitum sub tecto, ii qui habitabant ibi non volebant quenquam admittere, et super tecta habitare dicebantur.

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