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《灵界经历》 第1593节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1593

1593. When a spirit is carried up into heaven, then it is as if he were taken away from [other] spirits

Distance in the spiritual world is proportionate to inward qualities, for the more inward spirits are, the more distant they are; but apparent distance is another matter. However, when a spirit is carried up into heaven, then he is thought to have disappeared entirely by [other] spirits, even though [those carried up] are present and leading.

As to my inward parts, I was to a degree in heaven, as I realized because of the angels' choruses, which, of course, I did not understand, but I did realize that my inward parts were in heaven. I then heard spirits asking after me, and saying, "He is not here," not knowing where I was. They were, however, speaking by material mental images, such as pertain to the memory of personal matters, thus by voices. So I realized that I was very closely present, even [hearing] 1their conversation, which they did not know.


1. See the index at Externa and Interiora.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1593


Distance, in the spiritual world, exists according to interior states, as the more interior spirits are [in comparison with others] the more distant they are; apparent distance is another thing. When spirits are taken up into heaven they seemingly disappear altogether from [other] spirits, although they are in fact present to them, and lead them. I was, in my interiors, in some small degree in heaven, which I perceived from the angelic choirs. And though I did not understand these [choral exercises], yet I perceived that my interiors were in heaven. I then heard spirits inquiring for me, and saying, "He is not here," - being ignorant where I was. During this time they spoke from material ideas, such as belong to the memory of material things [particularium] thus vocally; and thus [it was shown] that I might be intimately present, even in their speech, and yet they not know it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1593 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1593. Quando spiritus in coelum aufertur, quod tunc a spiritibus quasi auferatur

Quod distantia in spirituali mundo se habeat sicut interiora [constat], quo enim interiores eo magis distant; sed aliud est distantiae apparentia. 1

Cum autem spiritus in coelum aufertur, tunc putatur prorsus disparere a spiritibus, tametsi [tales] praesentes sint, et eos ducunt; interioribus meis paulum eram in coelo, quod percepi ex angelorum choris, quos quidem non intellexi, sed percepi, quod interiora mea in coelo essent; tunc audivi spiritus, me quaerentes, dicentesque quod "non hic est," nescientes ubinam essem 2

, cum tamen loquebantur ideis materialibus, quales sunt memoriae particularium, ita vocibus; et sic [percepi] quod usque adessem proxime, etiam in eorum loquela, quod nesciebant.


1. The Manuscript has apparentes ut videtur

2. In the Manuscript esset in essem emendatum

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