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《灵界经历》 第160节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 160

160. When I asked afterwards whether there were few or many of them, I then realized from the way they spoke and answered that there were very many of them. But then on further inquiry, I realized that with a person who separates the inner sense from the outer, there are very many present, who prompt this; 1whereas with someone who is led only by the senses of the body, and whose thought is captured by everything that comes along and does not dwell very long on any one of them with his inner sight, there are very few [spirits], so that they are led for the most part by a certain general vital force from spirits, although the spirits are nevertheless there, because every person is being led by God the Messiah toward the final goal.


1. The index at Spiritus reads: "There are many spirits with one who thinks separately from the objects of the senses; and fewer with one who thinks only from the objects of the senses. The latter are ruled by a more general influence." Thus, in the original, instead of "internum ab interno," the intended words were "internum ab externo."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 160

160. Afterwards, when I inquired whether they were few or many, I apperceived from their speech and response, that they were very many. But on further inquiry, I perceived that with the man who separates the internal sense from the external 1there are very many spirits present who effect this; but, on the contrary, there are very few spirits with the man who is led only by the senses of the body, and whose thought is directed to any object whatever, and does not dwell for long upon any one object with internal sight. Such a man is led, for the most part, by a certain general life of spirits, although some spirits are nevertheless present, because every man is led by God Messiah to a final end.


1. The manuscript has internum ab interno (the internal from the internal), but that internum ab externo (the internal from the external) is meant, is evident from the Index (s.v. Spiritus) where we read, "There are many spirits with him who thinks separately from the objects of the senses; and fewer with him who thinks only from the objects of the senses. These are ruled more by a general influx."

Experientiae Spirituales 160 (original Latin 1748-1764)

160. Cum postea quaererem, num aliqui aut plures essent, tunc appercipiebam ex loquela et responso eorum, quod perplures essent, sed ulterius sciscitando percepi, quod apud hominem, qui separat sensum internum ab externo 1

, perplures adsint, qui id agunt, at vero penes hominem, qui solum ducitur a sensibus corporis, et apud quem cogitatio vertitur ad quodlibet objectum, nec haeret diu in uno objectu, visu interno, perpauci sint, et sic quod communi quadam spirituum vita utplurimum ducantur, cum tamen nihilominus spiritus adsint, quia quilibet homo a Deo Messia ducitur ad finem ultimum.


1. The Manuscript has interno; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "pro interno legerim externo"; cf. indicem ad Spiritus"

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