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《灵界经历》 第161节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 161

161. I have been informed further, that spirits, demons, angels, are thoroughly differentiated from each other according to kinds and species countless in number, and that each category is together, enjoying their own happiness and pleasure, which are very different in each case. These they pass on to people on earth by way of symbolic displays, at every wish and permission of God the Messiah, so as to perform for them an appropriate work. It is for this reason that mention is made here and there in the Word of God the Messiah of places that were holy, good angels being in delightful places, ponds, 1lovely fields where there are also clear and flowing waters, but the evil spirits in swamps and unpleasant places.


1. The ms. has "lucanis," probably for "lacunis," "lagoons," but A. W. Acton translates the word as "sunlit groves."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 161

161. Moreover, I have learned that spirits, genii, and angels are entirely separate among themselves, according to their genera and species which are innumerable; and that they are together, and enjoy their felicity and delight which are most diverse, and according to every desire and permission of God Messiah, by means of representations these delights are even transmitted thence to men, in order that they may offer men suitable service. Hence in the Word of God Messiah, mention is sometimes made of places that were holy. Good angels are in delightful places, as sunlit groves, pleasant meadows, and also where there are limpid and flowing waters. Evil spirits, however, are in stagnant ponds and gloomy places.

Experientiae Spirituales 161 (original Latin 1748-1764)

161. Praeterea edoctus sum, quod spiritus, genii, angeli sint inter se prorsus separati, secundum genera et species, quae innumerabiles sunt, et quod simul sint, et sua felicitate et jucunditate, quae diversissima est, fruantur, et quidem per repraesentationes, inde ad homines transmittuntur secundum omnem voluntatem ac permissionem Dei Messiae, ut iis convenientem operam praestent. Inde in Verbo Dei Messiae aliquoties mentio fit locorum, quae sancta fuerunt, angeli boni in locis delitiosis, lacunis 1

, amaenis pratis, etiam ubi sunt aquae limpidae et fluentes, at vero mali spiritus in stagnis et locis inamaenis.


1. The Manuscript has lucanis

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