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《灵界经历》 第1601节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1601

1601. I told them, when they wanted to bring in things of their own, that it is enough to know what the Lord taught, namely, that He is One [with the Father, John 10:30], for he who sees the Son, sees the Father [14:9], that the Son Alone is the door [10:7,9], is the way, is the means or mediator, the Only intercession or intercessor between the Human race and His Father [14:6]. And now, I am saying that He Himself is our Father, nor should we think that any is except Him, because He Alone is the Mediation. These things are enough, and one should not delve further into these secrets. 1748, 21 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1601

1601. I said to them when they would fain have induced their genius [upon me], that it was sufficient to know what the Lord taught, to wit, that He was One; that he who sees the Son sees the Father; that the Son alone is the door; that He is the way; that He is the mediation or Mediator; that He alone is the intercession or intercessor between the human race and the Father Himself; and again, that He is our Father, and that no other is to be thought of than He, because He alone is the Mediation; that these things are sufficient, and that it is useless to go deeper into mysteries. - 1748 March 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 1601 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1601. Dixi iis, quando sua inducere vellent, quod satis sit scire, quod Dominus docuit, nempe quod Unum sit [Joh. X: 30], qui nempe videt Filium, videt Patrem [Joh. XIV: 9], quod Filius Solus sit janua [Joh. X: 7, 9, 9], sit via, sit mediatio seu mediator, Solus intercessio seu intercessor, inter genus Humanum, et Ipsius Patrem [Joh. XIV: 6]; et nunc quod Ipse sit noster Pater, nec cogitandum quam Ipsum, quia Solus est Mediatio: quodque haec satis sit, nec in arcana ulterius eundum. 1748, 21 Martius.

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