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《灵界经历》 第1602节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1602

1602. About useful and useless philosophy

Some spirits thought that everything known as philosophy ought to be completely rejected, perhaps because as philosophy, or human wisdom, is condemned, therefore also is any terminology that savors of philosophy. And to show me how much they deprecated philosophy, they portrayed a (wilt swin 1) besprinkled on its back with blood, implying that I was like that for having interspersed philosophical terms [in my writings], or having shaped ideas philosophically.


1. Swedish for "wild boar."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1602


Certain spirits supposed that everything which bears the name of philosophy was to be utterly rejected, perhaps for the reason that as philosophy or human wisdom is condemned [in general], so the terms also which savor of philosophy; and in order that they might make me know how much they abominated philosophy, they represented a wild boar [:will swin: 1] sprinkled with blood on his back, and would have it that I was such, because I had interspersed philosophical terms [in my writings], or had formed ideas after a philosophical fashion.


1. Swedish words, signifying a wild boar.

Experientiae Spirituales 1602 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1602. De Philosophia utili et inutili

Spiritus quidam putabant, quod omne quod audit philosophicum, prorsus rejiciendum sit, forte, quia philosophia seu sapientia humana damnatur, ideo quoque termini, qui sapiunt philosophiam, utque ostenderent mihi, quantum abominarentur philosophiam, repraesentabant aprum (wilt swin 1

{a}) sanguine in tergo sparsum, et volebant, quod talis essem, quia philosophicos terminos insperserim 2

, seu philosophice formaverim ideas.


1. In the Manuscript manu B. Chastanier superpositum Wild Boar

2. hoc verbum in the Manuscript stilo alieno attactum est

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