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《灵界经历》 第1614节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1614

1614. Its second general working or action was into the breathing of the lungs, at the left side, which was of a kind that would scarcely be understood, even if described. For it gently led my breathing from within, so that I had no need to draw in breath and breathe by any effort of the will. Heaven from within was controlling, not the very substances of the lungs, but their animation-that which causes the motion of the lungs. Thus it was in the inward tissues not visible to the eye, for I felt the animation to be ruled by heaven, without any deliberate animation of my own, so that I had no need to draw breath or air, but was led by heaven. The breathing intervals were the same length as usual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1614

1614. Another common operation or action of theirs was into the respiration of the lungs, to the left, which was such that if described it could scarcely be perceived, for there was a gentle leading of my respiration from the interior, so that I had no need of anything like voluntary effort in inhaling or expelling my breath; this was governed by heaven from the interior, so that not so much the substances as the animations of the lungs, from which arises their motion, [were controlled by it.] Thus the influence was in the interior [pulmonary] fibers that are not visible to the eye, for the animation was perceived to be ruled by heaven, without voluntary action on my part, so that I had no need to draw my breath or spirit, but it was drawn by heaven. The forces employed in this animation, as evinced by the intervals [between the pulsations], were such as seemed habitual to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1614 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1614. altera operatio seu actio ejus communis erat in respirationem pulmonum, ad sinistrum, quae talis erat, ut si describeretur, vix perciperetur, nempe respirationem meam moliter ducebat, ab interiore, sic ut ego non opus haberem, voluntate quadam, spiritum ducere, seu animare, coelum regebat eam ab interiore, sic ut non pulmonum substantias, sed animationem eorum 1

[regebat], ex 2

qua pulmonis motus, sic erat in fibris interioribus non conspicuis oculo, nam percepta animatio a coelo regi, absque voluntaria mea, ita ut non opus haberem attrahere animam seu spiritum, sed a coelo ducebatur; vices animationis erant sicut solitae, quoad tempora;


1. The Manuscript has ejus

2. The Manuscript has ex ex

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