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《灵界经历》 第1631节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1631

1631. I was shown by actual experience how they operate, namely, not by gyres, like the heavenly [angels], but by meander-like, reciprocal motions, back and forth, portraying the combined workings of their mental imagery, which, to be genuine, must bend around so that by complete gyres, forms are exhibited.

By an actual experience also, the quality of this operation was symbolized for me, specifically, by such ideas being slipped into the lips and so into the mouth and the inward parts of the head, symbolizing that they flow in by a way from without into their minds, but not by a way from within. Communication by means of the lips symbolizes ideas conceived by way of the senses, whereas it is genuine when they flow in from the Lord, thus by the inner way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1631

1631. It was shown me by lively experience how their operations were effected, to wit, not by gyres, like the celestials, but by a kind of flowing, or river-like reciprocations hither and thither, by which were represented the common operations of their ideas; these, in order that they might be genuine, ought to be circumflected, and forms thus presented by means of gyres. By a lively experience it was signified to me also how the result was effected, namely, by an insinuation of such things into the lips, and thus into the mouth, and into the interiors of the head, by which was signified that such things flowed into their ideas by a way from externals, and not by a way from internals. Communication by the lips denotes ideas apprehended by a sensual way, but that which is genuine is as from the Lord, and thus [received] through an internal way.

Experientiae Spirituales 1631 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1631. Ostendebatur mihi per vivam experientiam, quomodo eorum operationes fiant, scilicet non per gyros, sicut coelestes, sed per reciprocationes quasi fluviatiles, cis et retro, tales repraesentabantur communes idearum illorum operationes, quae ut fiant genuinae, circumflecti debent, et sic per gyros formae sisti. Per vivam experientiam quoque mihi significatum est, quale id se habet, nempe per insinuationem talium in labia, et sic in os ac in interiora capitis, quo significabatur, quod per viam ab externis influant talia in ideas eorum, non autem per viam ab internis; communicatio per labia significat ideas per viam sensualem captas, at vero genuinum est ut a Domino [influant], sic per viam internam.

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