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《灵界经历》 第1630节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1630

1630. Afterwards, from the highest point of heaven, as from the zenith, certain intelligent spirits - intelligent, however, due to the natural sciences and philosophical principles - spoke with me. They were the kind who tried to convince themselves of religious truths by means of confirmatory philosophical principles and natural sciences, but doing so from their own intelligence. This appeared to be a similar case, namely, that their mental images were closed, and did not go any further; for the Lord Alone must work [belief in us].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1630

1630. Afterwards certain intelligent spirits - intelligent, however, from natural sciences and philosophical principles - spoke with me from the summit or zenith-point of heaven, who were of such a quality that they would fain persuade themselves concerning the truths of faith from philosophical principles, and confirming sciences, though still from their own intelligence. The appearance in this case was somewhat similar, namely, that their ideas were closed, and proceeded not beyond [the outward terms], for the Lord alone ought to operate [instead of their leading themselves].

Experientiae Spirituales 1630 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1630. Postea ex summitate coeli, sicut e zenith, quidam intelligentes sed ex scientiis naturalibus et principiis philosophicis, mecum loquuti sunt, qui tales erant, quod sibi persuadere voluerint de veritatibus fidei, ex principiis philosophicis, et scientiis, sic confirmantibus, sed ex suamet intelligentia, hoc simile apparebat, nempe quod ideae eorum clausae essent, nec ulterius irent, nam Dominus Solus operari debet.

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