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《灵界经历》 第1636节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1636

1636. Persons are taken to symbolize things

During visions and symbolic displays in the world of spirits nothing is more common than that persons are taken to symbolize things. For instance, many whose character I knew have been taken when things were to be symbolized, so that I would thereby understand what they were. And they really fitted into the displays so well that I at first thought they were present. So just those persons are taken who are known to someone to be of that character.

There is also nothing more common than this in the prophets; likewise, the case of Elias and Moses appearing to the three disciples [Matt. 17:1-3, Mark 9:2-4, Luke 9:28-30]. Then in other instances, places are taken. The subjects to be symbolized vary, so do the persons [who symbolize them]. 1748, 22 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1636


While visions and representations are taking place in the world of spirits nothing is more common than for persons signifying things to be assumed, as was the case with many whom I knew as to their quality [while living on earth]. The persons of these were assumed while certain things were to be signified, in order that I might know what they were; and, indeed, these persons were so inwrought into the representations, that I at first supposed they were actually present. In this manner such persons are assumed as were known to the man [to whom they appear]. The same thing is also of very frequent occurrence with the prophets, as in the case of Elias and Moses appearing to the three disciples [at the Transfiguration]; and so in other instances as to places. As the things [to be signified] are various, so are the persons also various. - 1748, March 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 1636 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1636. Quod personae assumantur, quae significant rem

Dum visiones sunt, ac repraesentationes in spirituum mundo, nihil communius est, quam ut personae assumantur, qui significant res, sicut plures, quos cognovi, quales fuerint, ii assumti sunt, dum res significarentur, ut inde intelligerem, quid essent, et quidem ita inspersi repraesentationibus, ut primum putaverim quod adessent: ita assumuntur tales, qui homini noti sunt, quod tales sint: hoc quoque nihil communius est in prophetis; similiter quod discipulis tribus visi sint Elias et Moses [Matth. XVII: 1-3, Marc. IX: 2-4, Luc. IX: 28-30], et sic in caeteris, quoad loca; res sunt variae, ita personae variae. 1748, 22 Martius.

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