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《灵界经历》 第1637节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1637

1637. A spirit can do nothing good from his own power

I heard spirits talking among themselves about how they might become good, saying that they would pray to the Lord that they may become good. But they could not, because they prayed from themselves, not knowing what to ask. Then they said that they would constantly think about the Lord, but this also accomplished nothing, because it was from themselves. Next they said that they would be still and await liberation [from self], but even this, being from themselves, was not permitted.

Therefore, stunned and confused, they said that now they did not know at all what they should do. And they added that people on earth are allowed to do these things, but not spirits, because their condition is different. From this it should be clear that whatever is from themselves has not good in it, and consequently that they cannot obtain anything thereby, but only by what is from the Lord. 1748, 22 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1637


I heard spirits saying among themselves that they would be made good. They said that they would pray to the Lord that they might become good, but this they were unable to do, because [attempting it] from themselves, and not knowing what they asked for. They then said they would think continually concerning the Lord, but this again would be unavailing, because from themselves. Then they said they would remain quiescent, and wait for deliverance [from their evils]; but this again was impracticable for the same reason. Therefore, being astounded and confused, they knew nothing as to what they should do, remarking, moreover, that what they sought was granted to men, but not to spirits, who were in another state. From this it may appear that nothing of good pertains to what is from themselves, and moreover, that they can obtain nothing from that source, but from the Lord alone. - 1748, March 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 1637 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1637. Quod spiritus nihil boni ex se agere possit

Audivi spiritus loquentes inter se, ut boni fierent, dicebant quod vellent precari Dominum, ut boni fiant, sed id non potuerunt, quia sic ex semet, nescientes quid petant; tunc dixerunt, quod 1

vellent jugi {a} cogitare de Domino, sed quoque hoc nihil efficeret, quia ex iis, dein dixerunt, quod vellent acquiescere, et exspectare liberationem, sed quoque id non licuit, quia ex iis, ita obstupescentes et confusi, dicebant, quod nihil quid facerent, tunc scirent 2

; et praeterea dicebant, quod homini id concessum sit, non spiritibus, qui in alio statu sunt; inde constare potest, quod quicquid ex iis, nihil boni insit, proinde quod nihil eo obtinere possint, sed solum, quod ex Domino. 1748, 22 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has quod quod

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sciret

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