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《灵界经历》 第1638节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1638

1638. In one apparently single mental image, there are so many elements that no one can express [them all]

I was given living proof of this in one instance when I had just one mental picture of a matter, in which by itself I judged there was something brilliant, without knowing how or how much. An angel near me saw what was within the idea, and was amazed at how many elements it contained, namely, extraordinary symbolic displays, which, however, I could not see. I was only allowed to think in a more or less simple mental image, that there was something in it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1638


This was shown to me to the life (from the circumstance that I had merely one idea of a [particular] thing, and in which I barely supposed there was something remarkable, though of the how, or the how much, I was ignorant. An angel that was with me saw what was within the idea, and [perceived] that the contents were so abundant, to wit, of striking representations, that he was greatly surprised. These, however. I could not see: it was only given me to think, by a kind of simple idea, that there was something else included).

Experientiae Spirituales 1638 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1638. Quod in una idea apparente simplici, tam multa insint, ut nullus effari queat

Id mihi ad vivum ostensum erat per id quod solum unam ideam rei habuerim, in qua modo arbitrabar aliquid illustre esse, praeter quod {a} scirem, quomodo, et quantum. Angelus apud me id videbat, quod intus in idea, quod nempe tam multa, ut miraretur, nempe quod repraesentationes insignes, quas tamen non videre potui, modo datum mihi erat cogitare simplici quasi idea, quod aliquid inesset.

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