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《灵界经历》 第1647节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1647

1647. The things which I have learned from symbolic displays, visions, and conversations with spirits and angels, are only from the Lord

Whenever there was a symbolic display, vision and conversation, I was kept reflecting upon them inwardly and more inwardly to see what useful and good purpose [they could serve], thus what I was learning from them. Those who were presenting the displays and visions, and those who were speaking, were not paying much attention to my reflection, and in fact, they were sometimes indignant when they realized that I was reflecting. So consequently, I was taught by no spirit, neither by any angel, but by the Lord Alone, from Whom is all truth and goodness.

Indeed, when they tried to teach me about various matters, it was hardly anything but falsity, so it was forbidden me to believe anything they were saying. Nor was it allowed for me to bring in any such thing that was their own. Moreover, when they tried to convince me of it, I felt an inward and more inward conviction of how the matter stood, not as they were maintaining, which also surprised them. My perception was clear, but it cannot easily be described so as to be grasped by people on earth. 1748, 22 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1647


Whenever there was any representation, vision, and discourse, I was kept interiorly and intimately in reflection upon it, as to what thence was useful and good, thus what I might learn therefrom; which reflection was not thus attended to by those who presented the representations and visions, and who spoke; yea, sometimes they were indignant when they perceived that I was reflecting. Thus have I been instructed; consequently by no spirit, nor by any angel, but by the Lord alone, from whom is all truth and good; yea, when they wished to instruct me concerning various things, there was scarcely anything but what was false: wherefore I was prohibited from believing anything that they spoke; nor was I permitted to infer any such thing as was proper to them [or akin to their proprium]. Besides, when they wished to persuade me, I perceived an interior or intimate persuasion that the thing was so and so, and not as they wished; which also they wondered at; the perception was manifest, but cannot be easily described to the apprehension of men. - 1748, March 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 1647 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1647. Quod ea quae didici in repraesentationibus, visionibus et ex loquelis cum spiritibus et angelis, solum a Domino sint 1

Quandocunque aliqua repraesentatio, visio ac loquela fuit, continebar interius ac intimius in reflexione super ea, quid inde utile, et bonum, sic quid discerem, quae reflexio non ita attendebatur ab iis, qui sistebant repraesentationes et visiones, et qui loquebantur, imo quandoque indignati sunt, cum perciperent 2

quod reflecterem; ita instructus sum, proinde a nullo spiritu 3

, nec ab angelo, sed a Solo Domino, a Quo omne verum et bonum; imo dum me volebant instruere de variis, vix quicquam nisi falsum erat, quare mihi prohibitum, ut nihil quod loquebantur crederem; nec licebat quicquam tale inferre, quod eorum erat proprium. Praeterea cum ii mihi persuadere vellent, percipiebam persuasionem interiorem seu intimiorem, quod tale sit, non sicut ii volebant, quod etiam mirati sunt, perceptio erat manifesta, sed facile ad captum hominum describi nequit. 1748, 22 Martius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sit

2. The Manuscript has perciperem

3. The Manuscript has spiritus ut videtur

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