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《灵界经历》 第1649节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1649

1649. After this, the angels of that planet came, that is, of Jupiter, and I could recognize from their speaking that they were of a different kind, and were thus from a different planet. Their speaking was not produced by words, but by mental images, which spread over their whole face, so that the face seemed to go along with the mental images - at first, in such a way that this speaking face, as it were, began at the lips and spread to the surrounding parts. Even though I only vaguely realized this, it was afterwards made clear to me. The mental images seemed uninterrupted, and although distinguished into words, yet the words were not very audible. They said that this was how they spoke with their own people on their planet. For there they have a facial language, starting from the lips, as spoken of earlier [529-530].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1649

1649. Angels of that earth, namely, Jupiter, afterwards came, and I was enabled to perceive that they were of another genius, thus of another earth [from ours] from their speech; for their speech was such that they spoke not by words, but by ideas, which diffused themselves over the whole face, so that the face concurred, as it were, and at first, in such a manner that the origin of this expression in the speaking face was from the lips, thence extending itself to the surrounding parts, whereof I had a perception, although obscure. It was afterwards shown me that the ideas were, as it were, continuous, yet discreted into words, but the words were not so heard. They remarked that they spoke thus with each other on their earth, inasmuch as their speech is of the face commencing from the lips, concerning which see above.

Experientiae Spirituales 1649 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1649. Postea venerunt angeli istius telluris, nempe Jovis, et potui nosse, quod alius generis, ita alius telluris essent, ab eorum loquela, loquela eorum erat talis, ut non per voces loquerentur, sed per ideas, quae se per totam faciem diffundebant, sic ut facies quasi concurreret, et quidem primum ita, ut origo loquentis quasi faciei esset a labiis sic inde in circumferentias 1

, quod tametsi obscure percepi, etiam postea mihi indicatum est; ideae erant quasi continuae, discretae quidem in voces, sed voces nec ita auditae, dicebant, quod ita loquerentur cum suis in tellure eorum, nam ibi est loquela faciei incipiens 2

a labiis, de quo vide prius [529-530].


1. The Manuscript has circumferias

2. The Manuscript has incipientis

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