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《灵界经历》 第529节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 529

529. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

One of them also showed me how they speak to each other by changes of facial expression, that is, by tiny little movements of their muscles - especially those around the lips. This is why there are in that region so many interwoven muscular chains. But it is around the eyes, I presume, that their feelings are displayed, that is, their more inward feelings, for the face is a reflection of the inward person, as was explained [528] in regard to the spirits who display faces, with their changing shapes and varying features.

But what they showed me by changes in the tissues around the lips, I could not understand - I could only feel the changes - because my face was not, from early childhood, trained in them and accustomed to them.

The fact that they cannot put on pretenses, but follow the true order of their life, is likewise the reason why they are unable to conceal anything whatsoever from their companions, without their knowing it at once, and knowing what they are like, and what they are dreaming up, and what they have done. So life with them is spiritual, and such persons can at once be singled out, and then taught, and be reformed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 529


It was also shown me by one of their spirits how they spoke with each other by variations of the face, namely, that it was by means of very slight movements, especially of those muscles which are around the lips, which is the reason that there are so many intricate series of muscular [fibers] there. Around the eyes, however, are represented, as I suppose, their affections, that is, the more interior affections. For the face is the representation of the interiors of man, formed so that it may be able to speak, as was said of spirits, since the face with its change of forms and its variation of state displays their interiors. But I could not understand what they showed me by the variations of the fibers around the lips, because my face has not been initiated and accustomed to them from infancy; I could only feel the variations. This also is the reason that the spirits of Jupiter are unable to simulate, but live in the order of their life, so that they can hide nothing whatever from their companions who at once know both of what quality they are, and what they are imagining to themselves and also what they have done. Thus with them the life is spiritual, and they can at once be separated, and thus be taught and reformed.

Experientiae Spirituales 529 (original Latin 1748-1764)

529. Continuatio de incolis Jovis

Ostensum mihi quoque est, ab uno eorum, quomodo loquuntur invicem per faciei variationes, nempe quod per motiunculas parvas cumprimis eorum musculorum, qui circum labra sunt, quare ibi tot series intricatae musculares sunt; at vero circum oculos, ut reor, eorum affectiones repraesentantur, nempe intimiores, nam facies est repraesentatio interiorum hominis, facta ut loqui queat, sicut dictum de spiritibus, dum facies exhibent 1

cum formarum ejus 2

mutatione seu variatione status; sed quod mihi ostendebant per variationes fibrarum circum labra, non potui intelligere, modo variationes 3

sentire, quia ab infantia facies mea non iis est initiata et assueta; quae etiam est causa--quia 4

simulare nequeunt, sed in vitae istius ordine vivunt--quod 5

nihil quicquam abscondere queant a sociis, quin illico sciant, tum quales sunt, tum quid imaginantur sibi, tum quid egerint, ita penes eos vita est spiritualis, et illico discriminari queunt, et sic doceri, et reformari.


1. The Manuscript has exbent

2. sic manuscript

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. The Manuscript has causa, quia

5. The Manuscript has vivunt, quod

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