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《灵界经历》 第1659节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1659

1659. The ones who had been with me before liked to be called angels because of the nature of their speech. But it was proven to them that here it is possible even for evil spirits to speak in such a rarefied and imperceptible manner. For it is their thought [that is speaking], which some evil spirits use to lead other spirits astray, as well as to distort the thinking of people on earth, as they have frequently tried to do to me. Nevertheless, it is a different manner of speaking, seeing that the spirits of our earth are unable to express their speech in the face.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1659

1659. Those who were with me in the first instance were desirous of being called angels, because their speech was of this character, but it was shown them that this attenuated and almost imperceptible kind of speech could be made use of by evil spirits, for it is, in fact, their thought, which this class of spirits employ for perverting other spirits, and also for perverting the thoughts of men, as they repeatedly endeavored to do with me. But there is this difference, that the spirits of our earth are not able to determine their speech into the face.

Experientiae Spirituales 1659 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1659. Qui prius mecum fuerunt, volebant dici angeli, quia talis eorum loquela, sed iis ostensum, quod tam tenuiter et imperceptibiliter quoque loqui possint, hic, quoque spiritus mali, est enim eorum cogitatio, qua quidam mali spiritus utuntur, ad pervertendum alios spiritus, tum ad pervertendum cogitationis hominis, sicut pluries conati sunt apud me; sed usque est differentia loquelae, quod spiritus nostrae telluris, non determinare queant loquelam in faciem.

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