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《灵界经历》 第1661节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1661

1661. Moreover, an angel was speaking with me through spirits, which took place from within toward the outside, and the spirits of the planet Jupiter noticed this, thus learning that the speech, as long as they are spirits, takes place along a route from without, and that the speech of angels is along a route from within. 1748, 23 March. Angels, when I am understanding, speak from within, toward 1the lips, but from within; and from within the left eye, they speak things I do not understand.


1. See the index at Loqui.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1661

1661. Moreover, an angel spoke with me through spirits, which was done from the interior towards the exterior; this was observed by the spirits of the earth Jupiter, that thus they might know that the speech, as long as spirits are the speakers, is by a way from the exterior, while the speech of angels is by a way from the interior. - 1748, March 23. Angels act from the interior, while I perceive [the operation]; it is by the motion of the lips, but still from the interior. It is also from the interior when the left eye is effected, but this I do not perceive.

Experientiae Spirituales 1661 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1661. Praeterea angelus loquebatur mecum per spiritus, quod fiebat ab interior versus exteriora, quod animadvertebant spiritus telluris Jovis, sic ut scirent, quod loquela, quamdiu spiritus sunt, sit per viam ab exteriori, et quod loquela angelorum sit per viam ab interiori. 1748, 23 Martius. Angeli agunt ab interiori, dum percipio, labiorum, sed ab interiori; tum ab interiori oculi sinistri, quae non percipio.

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