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《灵界经历》 第1663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1663

1663. The punishment of promiscuity

There was a certain spirit above my head, at a middle height, who had lived promiscuously during his life, and at the same time had read in the Word quite diligently. I heard what this person had been like during life, namely, that he had taken pleasure in variety, and so had loved no woman with constancy. He had lived in brothels, and thus whored with many women, casting off each one afterwards. Consequently, he had cheated many, making no distinction whether a woman was married or not, and in the process, divested himself of all true marital love, as well as the longing to have children. Ultimately, he had done these things without any pangs of conscience, thereby acquiring that unnaturalness, or, if I may so put it, thereby contracting an unnatural nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1663


There was a certain spirit in a medium altitude above my head who in his lifetime had lived lasciviously and yet had been at the same time an assiduous reader of the Word. I heard respecting him what his quality had been during his life, namely, that he had been in the delight of variety, so as to have cherished no constant love towards any, but spent his time in brothels, having intercourse with their inmates, and yet afterwards rejecting each of them in turn. As a consequence, he had defrauded many, making no distinction whether those with whom he had to do were married or unmarried. In this way be divested himself of all love truly conjugial, as also of the desire of having children; and as he eventually came to do what he did without rebuke of conscience, he thence acquired that unnatural habit, or, as I may say, contracted an unnatural nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 1663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1663. De poena lasciviae

Erat quidam, supra caput meum, media altitudine, spiritus, qui in vita sua vixerat lascive, et simul quoque in Verbo satis assidue legerat; audivi de eo qualis fuerat in vita, nempe quod delectatus sit varietate, sic ut nullam constanter amaverit, sed in lupinaribus vixerit, et sic scortatus cum multis, et rejecerit 1

singulas postea; inde consequitur, quod plures defraudaverit, nec habuurit discretionem, num esset maritata vel non, tum quoque, quod sic exuerit omnem amorem vere conjugialem, tum id desiderium, ut infantes haberet; nam postea absque laesione conscientiae id fecerat; inde innaturale id attraxerat 2

, seu naturam ut ita dicam, innaturalem contraxerat.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. The Manuscript has attraherat

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