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《灵界经历》 第1664节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1664

1664. He was punished in the following manner: in the region overhead, at a middle height, in front of spirits and angels, he was driven toward a spanned rope. As he dashed toward it, he ducked his head to go under it, but was immediately tied to the rope by his back. Then he was spun around it like a linen cloth, all the way to his feet, one of which I saw sticking to the rope. So his front parts were showing before spirits and angels, from his head to his feet, and thus he was spun around, visible to all the spirits and angels, at the same time struck with shame, and likewise with pain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1664

1664. His punishment was after this fashion: in a region above the head, at a moderate height, and in full view of spirits and angels, he was driven towards an extended rope, upon coming in contact with which he stooped his head in order to pass under, when he was immediately caught by the back, and fastened to the rope, and then made to revolve round it like a linen garment, till at length I saw one of his feet adhering to the rope, and the whole front of his person, from head to foot, exposed to the view of spirits and angels, and thus was made to rotate, conspicuous to all around, and meanwhile racked with shame and pain.

Experientiae Spirituales 1664 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1664. Is ita punitus est, nempe in regione supra caput, ad mediam altitudinem, coram spiritibus et angelis, quod actus sit versus funem extensum, in quem cum impingeret, caput subduxit, ut subiret, sed mox tergo tenus alligatus funi, et circumvolutus, sicut linteum, usque ad pedes, quorum unum videbam adhaerentem, ut sic anteriora ejus paterent coram spiritibus et angelis, a capite ad pedes, sic circumvolutus erat, et conspicuus omnibus spiritibus 1

et angelis, et simul incussus est pudor, tum etiam dolor.


1. hoc verbum in the Manuscript stilo B. Chastanier attactum est

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