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《灵界经历》 第1670节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1670

1670. But whether they had been from some satellite of Jupiter which, like the moon, is not surrounded with the same atmosphere, and therefore whether those living on that little world had been differently created, or furnished with a different body, this I do not as yet know, although they have said so. For because I am unable to form a picture of people other than those who live on planets surrounded by an atmosphere, therefore, although this is unknown to me because I cannot imagine it, I do not want to reject it out of hand. For bodily shapes are entirely according to the condition of the atmospheres and many other circumstances on the planets where they are. 1748, 23 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1670

1670. But whether they may not have been from one of the satellites of Jupiter, which, like [our] moon, are surrounded by a different kind of atmosphere [from their primary], and thus that these spirits are a different kind of creatures in such a little world, and possessed of another kind of bodies, I am not sure, though they intimated to me something of the kind; for as I could not have an idea of any sort of men except such as live on earths surrounded by atmospheres, therefore, although ignorant of the positive fact, yet I would not decidedly reject the supposition, for corporeal forms are governed entirely by the state of the atmospheres, and many other things pertaining to the earths in which they dwell. - 1748, March 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 1670 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1670. Num autem fuerint ex quodam satellite Jovis, qui sicut luna, non simili atmosphaera circumcinguntur, et sic quod ii in tali mundulo, aliter creati sint, seu alio corpore praediti, nondum scio, quamvis id mihi dicebant; nam quia nullam ideam habere potui hominum nisi talium, qui in telluribus atmosphaera circumdatis vivunt, ideo, tametsi mihi ignotum, quia nullam talium ideam habere possum, non plane rejicere velim, nam formae corporeae se habent prorsus secundum statum atmosphaerarum et plurium in telluribus, in quibus sunt. 1748, 23 Martius.

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