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《灵界经历》 第168节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 168

168. The education of little children in heaven

But as for little children, they are governed by angels, and this at first by means of a general vital force, and afterwards by a more particular one, as their mind develops in reason and understanding. However, little ones who die in their early infancy, who have as yet no understanding, and as yet no acquired character, these after the death of the body are trained in heaven among angels - and about this development and education, there is much to tell, but the matter has not yet been revealed to me in such a way that I am able to speak about it from sufficiently lucid experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 168


But as regards little children, they are ruled by angels, at first indeed by a general life, and afterwards in accordance with the formation of their rational and intellectual mind, by a more particular life. They, however, who died in their very infancy, when they do not yet have any intellectual mind or any nature formed by instruction, after the death of the body are formed in heaven among the angels; concerning this formation and instruction [informatio] many things can be said, but as yet it has not been so revealed to me that I can speak of it from sufficiently clear experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 168 (original Latin 1748-1764)

168. Infantum informatio in coelo 1

Quod vero infantes attinet, ii reguntur ab angelis, et quidem vita primum communi, et postea singulariori secundum formationem illorum mentis rationalis et intellectualis. Infantes autem qui in ipsa infantia moriuntur, quando iis nulla adhuc mens intellectualis, et nulla adhuc indoles instructa, ii post vitam corporis formantur in coelo apud angelos, de qua formatione et informatione, plura possunt dici, sed adhuc non mihi ita revelatum est, ut ab experientia satis perspicua id possim dicere.


1. caput hoc apparet infra paragraphum marginaliter ut 168 indicatam et annotatam cum titulo sublineato variante Infantum informationes in coelo

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