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《灵界经历》 第167节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 167

167. About the life of brute Animals

About the life of brute animals I spoke with angels, and I said that they are ruled by a kind of general vital force, which is the life of demons and spirits. For demons and spirits are arranged in classes, and by kinds and classes they are kept in their order and in their suborder. Now because they are forms of energy, a general life emanates from them that is actually concordant with the diverse powers and abilities brute animals possess. This is true of every other form of energy: it spreads itself out and builds up a field, which may be called a field of energy, and extends itself in the finer regions of nature to a great, in fact immeasurable distance.

Every demon and spirit has their own field of energy, as has been demonstrated to me in many ways, as also do all collectively have one. The field of energy agrees with the rank in which they are, and unless that order were maintained by God the Messiah, every single life form on earth would perish, in fact the whole heaven would be thrown into confusion.

This is the reason why animals live according to their own nature, and do not deviate from it, and why the various kinds of animals are aroused by different physical objects, and by changes in the condition of either blood. 1Man, however, and evil spirits, because they live a life contrary to nature, must absolutely be ruled by God the Messiah through angels of various classes, and also by spirits who are given greater power to operate with a person who is let into temptations. And unless people on earth were ruled by God the Messiah through angels and spirits, the part of their mind devoted to understanding could by no means be opened, or instructed, for we are born without understanding, and the understanding develops in the course of time. It is different in the case of brute animals.


1. Probably referring to the "spirits" and the "serum," see 962.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 167


I spoke with angels concerning the life of brutes, to the effect that they are ruled by a certain general life, which is the life of genii and spirits; for genii and spirits are classified, and are held in their order and subordination according to genera and classes, from which, because they are activities, the general life exists, and this [is received] according to the diverse faculties of brutes; as is the case with every other activity which diffuses itself and constitutes a sphere which is called the sphere of its activity, and it diffuses itself in a more subtle nature to a great, indeed, to an immense distance. It was demonstrated by many things that each genius and spirit has his own sphere of activity, and in the same way also all of them together, according to the order in which they are. Unless this order were conserved by God Messiah, everything vital on earth would perish, yea, the whole of heaven would be in confusion. This is why brutes live according to their nature, nor do they deviate from it, and why varieties [of state] are excited both according to the objects of the senses, and according to the changes of state in the blood. But because men and evil spirits live a life contrary to nature, they must be entirely ruled by God Messiah by means of angels according to classes, also by spirits to whom is given a greater power of operating when man is let into temptation. Further, unless men were ruled by God Messiah, by means of angels and spirits, their intellectual mind could by no means be opened and instructed; for man is born without understanding, and the understanding is formed in progress of time. It is otherwise in the case of brute animals.

Experientiae Spirituales 167 (original Latin 1748-1764)

167. De vita Brutorum

De vita brutorum cum angelis loquutus sum, nempequod communi quadam vita regantur, quae est vitageniorum et spirituum, nam genii et spiritus classificati sunt,et tenentur secundum genera et classes, in suo ordine, inque sua subordinatione, qui 1

quia activitates sunt, indecommunis vita existit, et quidem secundum facultates diversas brutorum, sicut ab omni alia activitate, quae diffundit se, et constituit sphaeram, quae sphaera activitatis vocatur, et se in subtiliori natura ad magnam, imo ad immensam distantiam [extendit] 2

, quilibet genius et spiritus suam sphaeram activitatis habet, quod multis demonstratum est, ita quoque omnes simul, secundum ordinem, in quo sunt, qui ordo nisi a Deo Messia conservaretur, periret 3

omne 4

vitale in terra, imo confunderetur totum coelum: haec causa est quod bruta secundum indolem suam vivant, nec ab ea deflectant, et quod varietates excitentur secundum objecta sensuum, et status mutationes in sanguine utroque. Homo autem et spiritus mali, quia contrariam naturae vitam, vivunt, regendi omnino sunt a Deo Messia per angelos secundum classes, etiam a spiritibus, quibus datur major vis operandi, quum homo in tentationes mittitur. Et nisi homines regerentur a Deo Messia per angelos et spiritus, nequicquam posset mens eorum intellectualis aperiri, et instrui, nam absque intellectu nascitur homo, et tempore intellectus formatur, aliter apud animalia bruta.


1. In the Manuscript quae in qui emendatum

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

3. The Manuscript has perireret

4. The Manuscript has omnne sed in J.F.I. Tafel's edition amoris

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