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《灵界经历》 第1680节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1680

1680. The light in the rounded area, was like live flame, rising quite high. They informed me that the fire was not burning, but only shining, and that they had kinds of wood there that when cut up and placed in the fireplace, diffuse something like a very bright flame. It was so bright and similar in color to our flame, that I thought it was a burning flame. The whole room was lit up by it. Two kinds of wood were displayed to me containing that light, appearing as if there were burning coals within them, or a pure fiery quality that shone through. These kinds of wood are cut up and placed in the fireplace, and hence they have light.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1680

1680. (The light in the rotunda was like a living flame rising to a considerable height. They informed me that it was not a burning, but only a shining, fire, and that they have such species of woods among them as when cut and disposed on the hearth diffuse around them a kind of lucid flame. In lucidity and color it resembled our flame, so that I took it to have been a burning flame, which gave light to the whole chamber. Two pieces of wood were represented to me in which there was this kind of light. The appearance was as if they formed a fire of coals, or as if there were a mere fiery something glowing within, and which shone through. Such sticks of wood are cut and placed upon the hearth, and from them the luminousness originates.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1680 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1680. Lumen in rotunda parte erat, sicut flamma viva, satis alte surgens, instruebant, quod ignis non esset ardens, sed modo lucens, quodque talia ligna apud eos sint, quae secta et in focum ibi disposita, flammae lucidioris instar diffundunt, erat tam lucida, et similis coloris, sicut nostrae flammae, sic ut opinatus sim fuisse flammam ardentem, inde totum conclave lucet; ligna bina mihi repraesentata sunt, quibus 1

talis lux inerat, apparebant sicut inesset iis ignis prunosus, seu mere igneum intus, quod pellucebat, talia 2

secantur et ponuntur in foco, inde in lumine sunt.


1. The Manuscript has sunt; quibus

2. The Manuscript has tales

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