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《灵界经历》 第1679节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1679

1679. I spoke with them further about their offspring, and they said that they have at most 3 or four children, and that their homes are separated from one another. They are content to live in small rooms, one of which was displayed to me. The architecture was very fine, and in a rounded area was a fireplace that shed light to the whole room, where a table stood. At the sides are their beds, but it is only one continuous bed, as long as the wall, and there they lie, one after the other. There was a bedspread, dark orange in color. 1


1. A figure is drawn to the right of this passage that is a rough floor plan.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1679

1679. (I spoke farther with them respecting their offspring, and they said they had at most but three or four children; that the house of each was separate from that of every other; and that they were content to live in small chambers, of which one was represented to me. It was of beautiful architecture, having in a kind of rotunda a hearth that supplied light to the whole apartment, in which was a table. Their sleeping-places are at the sides, where there is one single bed continuously extended, like a wall, where they lie one after another. There was a cover-lid of an obscurely golden color.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1679 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1679. Porro cum iis loquutus sum de prole eorum, dicebantque quod summum 3 aut quatuor liberos habeant, quodque cujusvis domus separata sit ab altera, suntque contenti vivere in parvis cameris, quarum una mihi repraesentata est, quae erat admodum architectonica, ubi in rotundo loco erat focus, ex quo lumen toti conclavi, ubi erat mensa; ad latera sunt eorum lecti, estque modo unus lectus, continuus et longus, sicut paries, et ibi jacent unus post alterum, tegumentum erat, coloris orantii 1

{a} obscurioris.


1. The Manuscript has oranii

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