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《灵界经历》 第1686节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1686

1686. Their action was into the left knee, a little above and below it, causing a very perceptible wavy vibration. Hence I was able to conclude that it is not bodily things - which pertain to the footsole - but things of nature, that they love. For a motion of this kind above the knee, halfway up the upper leg, symbolizes what is heavenly, so that heavenly qualities have been joined with those of nature. Thus there are those in whom heaven and earthly qualities are joined together, just as there are others in whom spiritual and earthly qualities have been joined. 1748, 25 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1686

1686. (Their action was into the region of the left knee, above, and a little below, with a certain undulation or vibration quite sensible, from which I concluded that they do not love those corporeal things which pertain to the sole of the foot, but [simply] natural things; for that kind of movement above the knee, and midway of the thigh upwards, signifies that which is celestial, because thus are celestial and natural things conjoined; so that there are those in whom celestial and natural things are conjoined, as there are others in whom spiritual and natural things are conjoined. - 1748, March 25.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1686 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1686. Actio eorum erat in sinistrum genu, supra et infra paulum, cum quadam undulationis vibratione admodum sensibili, inde concludere potui, quod non corporea, quae sunt plantae pedis, sed naturalia ament, nam motus talis supra genu, per dimidium femoris significat coeleste, quod sic coelestia et naturalia sint conjuncta, sic ut sint ii, in quibus coelestia et naturalia conjunguntur, sicut alii, in quibus spiritualia et naturalia conjuncta sunt. 1748, 25 Martius.

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