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《灵界经历》 第1695节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1695

1695. For they do not stop entertaining similar mental images in the other life, and since these images dominate them, they turn whatever they hear into lewdness. Then, because their thoughts come out in displays, whatever they see they turn into lewd displays which stand out before other spirits, causing them an offense. Therefore the angels are averse to such things, and detest them all the more when such displays occur against simple people, who are expecting nothing of the kind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1695

1695. (For they do not cease to have similar ideas in the other life, which because they reign, and thus cause that whatever is heard to be turned into lasciviousness, and because their thoughts go forth into representations, and whatever they see they turn into obscene representations, that stand forth before other spirits, causing them great offence,) (therefore the angels are averse to such things, and abominate them, while these [filthy] representations fall upon the simple-minded, who are taken wholly by surprise by them.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1695 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1695. Non enim desistunt in altera vita similes ideas habere, quae quia regnant, et sic vertunt quicquid audiunt in lascivias, et quia cogitationes eorum in repraesentationes evadunt, ideo 1

cum aliquid percipiunt, in repraesentationes obscenas vertunt, quae prostant coram aliis spiritibus, quibus est scandalum datum; inde quoque angeli talia aversantur, et quidem abominantur, cum repraesentationes cadunt in simplices, talia nihil exspectantes.


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