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《灵界经历》 第1694节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1694

1694. About the punishment of promiscuity 1

There are in the life of the body those who think promiscuously, and who turn whatever others are saying into something lewd, even when it concerns holy subjects. This habit is apt to exist among adolescents, whose minds are occupied with those matters on account of their youth, but when it exists with those who are adult, and with older people, and they bend everything they hear in that direction and then dwell upon it, they undergo this punishment.


1. In the original after the heading, there is an annotation in the hand of B. Chastanier, "See also 1663."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1694


(There are those who in the life of the body indulge in lascivious thoughts, giving habitually a lascivious turn to what others converse about, even when the subject is holy. Such a habit is wont to prevail with young men, when their minds, by reason of their age, are occupied with such things; but when the same thing occurs with adults and old men, namely, the turning everything they hear into this direction, or revolving it over [in their thoughts], these undergo such a punishment [as I am about to describe].)

Experientiae Spirituales 1694 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1694. De punitione lasciviae 1

Sunt qui in vita corporis lascive cogitant, et quicquid alii loquuntur, in lasciviam convertunt, etiam dum sancta, talis mos solet quidem esse apud adolescentes, dum animus eorum occupatur, per aetatem, sed cum tale quoque apud eos qui adulti sunt, et senes, nempe quod singula quae audiunt eo flectunt, aut sicut volvunt, ii talem poenam subeunt.


1. post caput manu B. Chastanier scriptum Vide etiam 1663.

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