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《灵界经历》 第1703节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1703

1703. It cannot be said that they are actually there, even though it so appears. The same applies to location as applies to height and presence. It so appears to the eyes because the whole world of spirits and the whole of heaven reflects and constitutes a grand human being. This is the reason why it is so presented to the view of a person on earth living as a spirit, and to every spirit and angel.

But it is evidently only an appearance, because if there were several looking on and this [form] came forth within the space between them, it would nevertheless not look different to one than to another, as if what is facing one had its back to the other.

1703[1/2]. It is amazing that the spirit's position does not appear to be definite, for when he reflects on his location, it is apt to be changed from time to time, and yet, by some spiritual mental image he knows his position relative to the body. 1748, 26 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1703

1703. That they are actually there [where they appear to be] cannot be said, although such is the appearance. As it is with altitude and presence, so is it also with situation. They appear thus before the eyes, because the universal world of spirits, and the universal heaven represents and constitutes the Grand Man, which is the reason that they are thus presented to the view of man while he is as a spirit, and to every spirit and every angel. That all this is a bare appearance may appear from the act that if there are numbers viewing them at the same time, and the same object should exist within a [given] distance between them, still it would not appear any otherwise to one than to another, thus not from behind one and in front of another.

1703 1/2. It is wonderful that a position [situs] should appear such without any particular determination; for while a spirit reflects upon the position, it is then sometimes wont to be varied, while yet, by a certain spiritual idea, he knows its position relatively to the body. - 1748, March 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1703 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1703. Quod ibi actualiter sint, non dici potest, tametsi ita apparet, se res non aliter habet, ac altitudo et praesentia, ita situs; ita coram oculis apparent, quia universus mundus spirituum, et universum coelum refert, et constituit maximum hominem, quod causa est, quod ita sistantur homini, dum sicut spiritus est, cuivis spiritui, et cuivis angelo; quod ita solum appareat, inde constare potest, quod si plures essent, qui spectarent, et existeret idem intra distantiam inter eos, usque non appareret aliter uni ac alteri, sic non a tergo unius, quod a facie alterius.

1703a. 1

Mirabile est, quod situs talis appareat absque determinatione quadam, nam dum reflectit spiritus super situm, tunc variari quandoque solet, sed usque idea quadam spirituali, novit situm respective ad corpus. 1748, 26 Martius.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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