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《灵界经历》 第1709节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1709

1709. And when I was pondering how the life of the evil is also poured into them by the Lord, I sometimes told them that because they are instruments, that life takes the form of the molds [into which it is poured]. To make this more understandable, it was illustrated for them by the light of the sun, which, even though it is white, and of one color, is nevertheless variegated as it passes through and flows into different forms, resulting in colors, shades, and so on. To this they could give no reply.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1709

1709. On thinking the matter over with myself, how the life of the evil is infused into them from the Lord, I sometimes remarked that inasmuch as they are organs, therefore that life is according to the forms, which for their better understanding was compared to the light of the sun. This, although white in color and one in nature, yet as it passes through forms, or flows into them, is so varied as to give rise to different hues, temperatures [tepores], and the like: to which they could offer nothing in reply.

Experientiae Spirituales 1709 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1709. Cumque cogitarem, quomodo etiam vita malorum a Domino infundatur iis, dixi quandoque, quod quia organa sint, ita se vita ista habet secundum formas, quod ad captum, iis repraesentatum per lumen solis, quod tametsi candidum sit, et unicum, usque sicut per formas percurrit, seu in iis influit, ita variatur, inde colores, tepores, et similia, ad quae nihil respondere potuerunt.

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