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《灵界经历》 第1710节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1710

1710. But now let it be said that the life of the Lord flows into all who are in the universe, for they make up the greatest body, and that Heaven, together with the heaven of spirits, constitutes His Body, which lives from Him, as man lives from his soul-that is, from the Lord through the soul. Therefore all its members and parts of its members cannot but live from Him, just as in the human the members and parts of members live only from their soul.

Now according to the forms of the members and the forms of the parts, so do they live, and so do they perform their own functions, however diverse, in the universal body. But they do so in a way conducive to its uses and purposes, and to the one purpose, which is the Lord. So [His] life flows into all, and into every individual, one mediating it to another through forms, which are societies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1710

1710. But now [it is to be affirmed] that the life of the Lord flows in into all in the universe, for they constitute the Grand Body [corpus maximum] and heaven, with the heaven of spirits, which is His body, because it lives from Him, as a man lives from his soul; i.e. from the Lord through the soul, wherefore all the members, and the parts of the members, cannot but live from Him; just as in man the members and parts of members depend exclusively upon his soul; and according to the forms of the members and the forms of the parts, so they live, and so do they perform their functions, however diverse, in the universal body; and yet in such a way that they are led to uses and ends, like each single organ in the body, for there is a consent of all to uses and to one end, which is the Lord; whence life [flows] into all and each, from one mediately into another, through a society of forms.

Experientiae Spirituales 1710 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1710. At nunc [dixi], quod vita Domini influat in omnes, qui in universo, nam constituunt corpus maximum, ac Coelum, cum coelo spirituum, Ipsius Corpus, quod ex Ipso vivit, sicut homo a sua anima, h.e. a Domino, per animam, quare omnia membra, et partes membrorum non possunt non ab Ipso vivere, sicut in homine, membra, et partes membrorum unice a sua anima; et sicut formae membrorum, et formae partium sunt, ita vivunt, functiones suas obeunt, proinde diversas in universo corpore, sic tamen, ut ad usus et fines ducantur, sicut singula in corpore, nam est consensus omnium ad usus, et ad unum finem, qui est Dominus; inde vita in omnes, et singulos, ab uno mediate in alterum, per societatum formas [influit].

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