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《灵界经历》 第1720节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1720

1720. I can even emphatically assert that their pains, terrors, and the like, are almost as real to them as those felt in bodies. They have admitted this numerous times, and if the Lord did not take away their fantasies, that is the bodily things remaining in their mind, they would be tortured with much greater torment than in their body. For evil spirits, and the devil's gang, not only entertain such imaginings themselves, but also imprint the same in the minds of those they torment. Unless the Lord should take these away and calm them down, they would have a hell more painful by far than if their bodies were kept in the torment of the most intense pains.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1720

1720. Yea, I can assert that their torments, terrors, and the like are to them wellnigh as sensible as in the body, which they have oftentimes confessed to me; and unless the Lord should take away their phantasies, their corporeal things thus remaining in their minds, they would be tormented with much severer anguish than in their bodies; for evil spirits and the diabolic crew not only have such phantasies, but they inflict the like upon the minds of those whom they torment, which unless the Lord took away and moderated, they would have a hell vastly more excruciating than would ever be possible from their bodies being held in the suffering of the most intense anguish.

Experientiae Spirituales 1720 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1720. Imo asseverare possum, quod dolores eorum, terrores, et similia, iis paene tam sensibiles sint, sicut in corporibus, quod permultoties fassi sunt, ac nisi Dominus eorum phantasias auferret, sic corporea eorum in animo remanentia, cruciarentur cum multo pluri cruciatu, ac in corpore suo, mali enim spiritus, et diaboli turba, non solum tales phantasias habent, sed similes quoque imprimunt animis eorum, quos cruciant; quae nisi Dominus auferret, ac leniret, infernum habuissent, multo dolorificentius, quam usquam si corpora orum in cruciatu dolorum intensissimorum tenerentur.

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