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《灵界经历》 第1721节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1721

1721. Those who constitute the inward membranes of the body,

such as the pleura

There are spirits through whom other spirits speak, and who hardly understand what they are saying, except the little [they get] from those others while in the act of speaking. They admitted that they do not know what they are saying, yet that they speak anyway. I could hear very clearly that others spoke through them, and that they pass along the speech of others, for such a thing is heard [in the spiritual world] quite plainly, so it is as if they have no ideas, but only voices.

In bodily life they had been the kind who had merely babbled, not thinking at all about what they were saying, and who had loved to speak about any subject whatever, whether they understood it or not.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1721


(There are spirits through whom others speak, and they scarcely know what they say, except [as they learn] a little from their prompters while in the act of speaking. They confessed that they did not well know what they said; but that yet they spoke, as in fact it was sufficiently evident, by hearing that others spoke through them, and that they thus became merely a channel of the speech of others, for the sound of their utterance made this sufficiently plain. Thus they have, as it were, no ideas, but simply voices.

In the life of the body they were mere babblers, thinking nothing of what they said, and loving to talk of everything, whether they understood it or no.

Experientiae Spirituales 1721 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1721. Qui constituunt membranas interiores corporis, sicut pleuram

Sunt spiritus, per quos alii loquuntur, ac ii vix intelligunt quid dicunt, nisi parum ab iis, dum in loquela unt, id fassi sunt, quod non sciant quid dicant, sed usque quod loquantur; hoc quoque satis evidenter auditum est, quod alii per eos locuti sint, et quod deferant sic aliorum loquelam, nam tale auditur satis manifeste; sic quasi nullas ideas habent, sed voces.

In vita corporis fuerunt ii, qui modo blaterarunt, ac nihil cogitaverint quid dixerint, amaverintque loqui de omnibus, sive id intellexerint, sive non.

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