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《灵界经历》 第1727节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1727

1727. About those who constitute the pia meninx of the brain

There are certain spirits, not very talkative, but still serviceable in further bringing down farther the mental imagery of others; and they are likewise passive, and quite modest. They were heard even higher overhead, their general motion being a flowing one in the brain crosswise from the front to the back. Then there was another kind of these spirits whose general motion was a flowing one across from each temple toward the middle of the brain, as if coming together where the longitudinal sinus is located.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1727


There are certain spirits not given to speaking like the former, but serving to the further development of the ideas of others, and acting also as passive forces. They are quite modest in their temperament, and are heard still higher above the head. Their common movement was a flowing one [fluidus] in a transverse direction in the brain from the front part backwards, [differing from that of] another class whose common flowing motion was transversely from one and the other temple towards the middle of the brain, so that the place of meeting should be that of the longitudinal sinus.

Experientiae Spirituales 1727 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1727. De iis qui constituunt piam meningem cerebri

Sunt quidam spiritus, non ita loquentes, sed usque inserviunt, deducendis ulterius aliorum ideis, suntque similiter passivi 1

, suntque satis modesti 2

. Auditi sunt adhuc altius supra caput, eorum motus communis erat 3

fluidus transversim in cerebro 4

ab anteriori retrorsum, tum aliud genus, cujus motus communis fluidus esset transversim a tempore uno et altero versus medium cerebri, sic ut quasi concurrerent ubi sinus longitudinarius.


1. The Manuscript has passivae, quod autem conformiter emendationi modestae in modesti hic quoque masculine dicendum

2. In the Manuscript modestae in modesti emendatum

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erant

4. The Manuscript has cerbro

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