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《灵界经历》 第1734节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1734

1734. Those constituting the meninx over the brain are guardian spirits, because that meninx is thoroughly saturated with blood; likewise those who constitute the meninges over the little organs of the brain. But those surrounding the little bundles of fibers and interior nerves [in the body] 1are spirits. For as the fibers arise from their own organic beginnings, so do spiritual things from heavenly. Moreover, just as in the fetus every membrane had been bloody and its derivative fibers as if without blood, so the case is with guardian spirits, and so on. 1748, 27 March.


1. See the index at Nervus.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1734

1734. Those who constitute the meninx over the brain are genii, for that meninx is full of blood; in like manner those who constitute the meninx over the smaller organs of the brain. But those who invest the fascicles of the fibers and the interior nerves are spirits; for as the fibers spring from their organic principles, so also spiritual things from celestial. Moreover, as in the fetus every membrane is charged with blood, and its derivative fibers are, as it were, not bloody, so also it is with these genii, and so on. - 1748, March 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 1734 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1734. Qui constituunt meningem super cerebrum, genii sunt, quia meninx perquam sanguinea est, similiter qui constituunt meninges super organula, cerebri; at qui circum fasciculos fibrarum, et interiores nervos, sunt spiritus, sicut enim fibrae oriuntur a principiis suis organicis, ita quoque spiritualia a coelestibus; tum quoque, sicut in foetu, omnis membrana sanguinea fuit, et ejus fibrae dein quasi non sanguineae, ita quoque se habent genii, et sic porro. 1748, 27 Martius.

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