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《灵界经历》 第1733节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1733

1733. From these circumstances it may be evident how difficult it is to discern the nature of those in the inward, not to mention the very inward heaven, who constitute the tiny meningeal membranes covering the little organs and surrounding the finer fibers of the brain. Because these are not apparent to the eye, neither do they come to our consciousness, and yet if we were to learn the nature of those meninges, we would also be able to discern something about those between the inward and the very inward heaven who constitute the same parts. But since those tiny organs, both their coverings and their interiors, are invisible to us, how much more so are those who constitute and as it were maintain them!

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1733

1733. From these things it may be evident how difficult it is to perceive the quality of those who are in the interior, and, still more, who are in the inmost heaven, as they constitute the membranules or meninges over the minute organs of the brain, and round about its more tender fibers, which, as they do not appear to the eye, are not perceived by man; while yet if we understood the nature of these meninges, we should be able to apprehend somewhat in regard to those spirits who sustain a similar relation to the interior and inmost heaven. As these minute organs with their coverings and interior contents are invisible to us, how much more those spirits who constitute, and, as it were, contain substantial realities.

Experientiae Spirituales 1733 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1733. Ex his nunc constare potest, quam difficulter possit percipi, quales ii sunt [qui] in interiori, minus in intimiori coelo constituunt membranulas seu meninges super organula cerebri, et circum fibras tenuiores, quae quia non apparent ad oculum, ita nec percipiuntur ab homine, usque tamen si talium meningum indolem nosceremus, etiam aliquid percipere potuissemus de iis, qui similia constituunt inter coelum interius ac intimius; cumque organula nobis invisibilia sunt, cum eorum integumentis et interioribus, quid non ii qui talia constituunt, et quasi continent! 1


1. The Manuscript has continent.

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