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《灵界经历》 第1740节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1740

1740. Moreover, there are also some who constitute the insides of the skin tunic, who are fairly upright. These imagine that they are the origin of everything that comes from those constituting the outer skin, thus ascribing many things to themselves which are not theirs. In life they had been the kind who take credit for all manner of things, as if they had come from them, which, however, were not theirs - not so much out of self-love and putting themselves before others, but from a certain ambition, and a kind of pleasant feeling [it gave them] for various reasons. I spoke with them, and found them upright, understanding what was said. They only became insane in those respects, that they imagined they had done things actually done by others. 1748, 27 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1740

1740. There are also besides these certain spirits who constitute the interiors of the cuticular covering of tolerably upright character, who suppose that the things which proceed from those who constitute the external skin do really emanate from themselves, thus attributing many things to themselves, which do not belong to them. They were such in their lifetime as claimed a great many things as proceeding from them which yet were not theirs, not indeed from a self-love that led them to prefer themselves to others, but from a certain cupidity, and pleasantness, as it were, besides various other causes. I spoke with them [and found that] they were well-meaning, apprehending what was said, only that they raved somewhat in imagining things done by themselves which were really done by others. - 1748, March 27.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1740 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1740. Praeterea sunt quidam etiam qui interiora tunicae cutis constituuntt satis probi, putantes, quod ex se proficiscantur ea, quae ex iis qui constituunt cutem externam, sic sibi attribuentes plura, quae eorum non sunt, fueruntque ii in vita, qui sibi attribuunt multa, tanquam ab iis profecta, quae tamen eorum non sunt, non quidem ex tali amore sui, ut praeferant se aliis, sed ex cupidine quadam, et quasi amaenitate, ex variis causis; cum iis loquutus, et probi fuerunt, capientes quae dicebantur, solum in iis insaniebant, quod putarent a se facta, quae ab aliis. 1748, 27 Martius.

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