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《灵界经历》 第1739节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1739

1739. It is not easy to relate to these spirits, that is, they cannot be in the angels' company, for they favor their own opinions and their own desires, putting themselves before others, and do not want to admit the inward qualities that break them down. For example, when they are told that there is a sense and an awareness on the part of inward and very inward spirits, to the effect that a spirit does not live by his own power, but is an instrument of life, then they turn away from this, for they want to live by their own power-as in fact all do who make up the tunics [of the skin]. Still, some are able to understand this, but do not like to.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1739

1739. With these spirits it is not easy to form a connection, nor can they mingle with the angels, for they favor their own opinions and their own cupidities, and prefer themselves to others, nor are they willing to admit interior things, which are destructive to their phantasies and lusts, as when it is said to them that there is a special sense and perception of interior and intimate things, that a spirit does not live from himself, that he is a mere organ of life - this they are averse to, for they would fain live from themselves, as would all they also who constitute the coats. Some, however, can understand the fact to be so, but still they do not wish it to be so.

Experientiae Spirituales 1739 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1739. Cum iis non facile commercium necti potest, seu interesse nequeunt angelis, nam suis opinionibus, et suis cupiditatibus favent, et se aliis praeferunt, nec volunt interiora admittere, quae eas destruunt; sicut cum iis dicitur, quod interiorum ac intimiorum sensus et perceptio sit, quod spiritus non vivat ex semet, sed modo sit organum vitae, hoc aversantur, nam ex se vivere volunt, et quidem omnes, qui tunicas constituunt; quidam tamen usque intelligere id possunt, sed non volunt.

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