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《灵界经历》 第1748节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1748

1748. The spirit who is behind, below the back of the head [1745], pulls the back of the head down, so to speak, or pulls the skin there, as if trying to weigh down the head. Such an action is, of course, not felt by inhabitants of our earth, because, due to their superficial character, they are unaware of any operation of spirits. It is different with those who are able to be at the same time in the world of spirits, and be just like spirits. From the result, however, one can tell how the matter stands. 1748, 27 March.

Spirits of this kind, like people of this kind, are for the most part those who love themselves, putting themselves before others and sometimes treating with nothing but scorn the inward and very inward human qualities in them, considering it as wisdom on their part to be able in a polished manner to revile and refute them. Nor do they care at all for the Lord, and if they dared, they would openly revile and persecute Him. For they are superficial, and give the control of themselves over to such spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1748

1748. The spirit stationed behind, under the occiput, drew down the occiput, as it were, or the skin in that region, as if he would move the head, causing it to sway somewhat downwards. A thing of this kind is not, indeed, perceived with the inhabitants of our earth, because they are sensible to no operations of spirits, being such as to be in externals. It is otherwise with those who can be at the same time in the world of spirits also, just as are spirits; still it is known from the effects how the case is. - 1748, March 27.

Such spirits, like such men, are for the most part lovers of themselves, preferring themselves to others; and inasmuch as they treat with scorn man's interior and more interior things, they place their wisdom, as it were, in being able elegantly to vituperate or refute the doctrine of an internal man, nor do they care ought for the Lord, nor if they dared would they hesitate at all to vituperate and persecute Him openly, for they are external and give themselves up to the dominion of this kind of spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 1748 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1748. Spiritus qui a tergo sub occipitio, quasi detrahit occipitium, aut cutem ibi, sicut vellet caput, adeo ut libret quasi deorsum; tale quid quidem non sentitur apud incolas nostrae telluris, quia nullam operationem spirituum [sentiunt], quia tales sunt, ut in externis sint, aliter ii qui in spirituum mundo simul possunt esse, sicut et spiritus; usque ab effectu cognoscitur, quomodo se res habet. 1748, 27 Martius. Tales spiritus, sicut tales homines, sunt plerique sui amantes, seque praeferunt aliis, inque iis quandoque, quin 1

contumeliis afficiant {a} interiora ac intimiora hominis, ponuntque suam quasi sapientiam in iis {b}, quod eleganter queant eum vituperare, vel refellere, nec quicquam curant Dominum, sique ausi essent, Ipsum manifeste vituperarent, et persequerentur, nam sunt externi, et dant spiritibus talibus regimen super se.


1. In the Manuscript qun in quin emendatum

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