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《灵界经历》 第1749节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1749

1749. However, when there exists an equilibrium of these spirits with others, then they are of use in the same way the skin is to the interior organs. For by means of outward qualities, a person learns inward ones, but this is so because the Lord instills into the outer parts useful functions. To make an analogy: the skin is of service not only in the discharging of foul elements, but also in the intake of elements that help to nourish the interiors. But in this case, the skin is at the disposition of the inward life in letting those elements in. They are breathed in through the outside according to the inclinations of the inward parts. 1748, 27 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1749

1749. But whenever there is an equilibrium of these with others, they can then perform a use, as the skin does to the interiors, for man learns interior things by means of exterior yet so that the Lord insinuates into externals those things which conduce [to use]. To institute an analogy: the skin serves not only as a medium for excreting foulnesses, but also for the insinuation of such things as serve for the nourishing of the interior. The skin, however, is disposed [for this function] by the interior life, and the inspirations through externals are made according to the affections of the interiors. - 1748, March 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 1749 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1749. Quando vero eorum quasi aequilibrium est cum aliis, tunc sunt usui, sicut cutis est interioribus, nam per exteriora discit homo interiora, ita tamen, quod Dominus insinuet externis ea, quae conducunt; utque analogia instituatur, cutis inservit, ut per eam non solum excernantur spurca, sed etiam ut insinuentur ea quae inserviant nutriendis interioribus, sed tunc disponitur cutis ab interiori vita, ut talia admittat, inspirationes per externa fiunt secundum affectiones interiorum. 1748, 27 Martius.

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