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《灵界经历》 第1783节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1783

1783. I was told they were the kind who in former times slaughtered whole armies, as we read in the historical portions of Scripture [see Judges 7:22, 1 Sam. 14:20, 2 Chron. 20:23], having induced insanities on them. For they rushed right into the chambers of their brain, then struck them with terror, so that the one would kill the other.

I was told that they had also been able to inspire terror, but at this day only a little. Nowadays the restraints on these spirits are very seldom relaxed. It occurs only in the case of someone who is of such a character that it must be permitted rather that they perish as to the body than as to the soul. For unless the person perished as to the body in this manner through insanity and suicide, he or she could not but perish to eternity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1783

1783. It was told me they were such as had formerly [in their lifetime] slaughtered whole armies, as is recorded in the Scripture histories, having induced insanities upon them, for they rushed into the chambers of their brain, and then inspired such terror that one slew another. That they were able to strike such terror I was assured, but it is seldom done at the present day. It is extremely rare that the bonds are loosened to any of them at this day, and only takes place in the case of someone who is of such a quality that it were better that he should be permitted to perish as to his body than as to his soul, and in regard to whom, unless he perished bodily in this manner, by means of insanity and suicide, he could not well be prevented from perishing to eternity.

Experientiae Spirituales 1783 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1783. Dictum mihi est, quod tales fuerunt, qui olim integros exercitus necabant, sicut legitur in historicis Scripturae [cf. Jud. VII: 22, I Sam. XIV: 20, II Chron. XX: 23], quibus insanias intulerint, nam in cameras eorum cerebri illico irruerunt, et tunc terrorem incusserunt, et sic ut unus necaret alterum; quod terrorem etiam potuerint incutere, dictum est, hodie autem non nisi paucum: rarissime hodie aliqui eorum relaxantur vinculis, modo cum aliquis talis est, ut permittendum potius, ut pereat corpore quam anima, et nisi periret corpore tali modo per insanias et sui necem, non potuisset non perire in aeternum.

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