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《灵界经历》 第1782节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1782

1782. They told that they live in dark forests, and that there they look ugly, having animal-like faces and shaggy hair, and that they roam about like wild beasts. They are quite numerous, but they do not dare to inflict anything like this on their own companions, who in such a case would be allowed to treat them cruelly almost at pleasure - at the thought of which they shudder, so they dare not inflict anything like this on them. They also roam about all alone, and are thereby kept under restraint.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1782

1782. They stated that they dwelt in dark woods, and were there of deformed aspect, having ferine faces and shaggy hair, and roaming about like wild beasts. They are quite numerous, nor dare they attempt any such thing towards their companions, to whom it is then permitted to treat them cruelly almost at pleasure, from which they shrink in horror, and then abstain from inflicting anything of the kind upon them. They also wander about solitarily, and are thus held in bonds.

Experientiae Spirituales 1782 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1782. Narrabant, quod in sylvis obscuris habitent, et ibi deformes sint, facie ferina, crinibus hirsutis, ubi ferarum instar vagantur, suntque multi, nec audent suis sociis aliquid tale inferre, nam tunc licet iis crudeliter eos tractare fere ad lubidinem, inde horrent, nec audent iis quicquam tale inferre; vagantur etiam solitarii, sic tenentur in vinculis.

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